Edward Sentongo

iOS & Android developer

Experience, quality and trust

Edward Sentongo

iOS & Android developer

Experience, quality and trust

Centraal Beheer iOS

  • Client: Centraalbeheer - Achmea

Why is the Centraal Beheer App useful for you?

Anywhere, anytime
• The correct information at hand
• Easily view insurance policies and report damage
• Buying and selling investment funds
• Insight into the value of Fund or Convenience Investments
• View all details of your mortgage
• Check savings balance and transfer money
• Quick contact with an employee via in-app chat or telephone
• Call for roadside assistance immediately
• Discover our services

Simply report your damage
You can easily report damage at home and on the road. State when, where and how the damage occurred. And add photos right away. In case of tin or window damage, you immediately make an appointment with a damage repair company in your area. You follow your damage report via the app.

Invest easily
Invest online with any amount. Track the value of your Gemaksbeleggen or Fondsbeleggen account. And buy or sell mutual funds whenever you want.

Transfer to and from your savings account
Securely transfer your money from your savings account to your contra account. And view your balance and transfers from your RentePlús Account and RenteVast Account at any time.

Your data always at your fingertips
You will find all your financial products and your personal information in 1 place. Adjusting your data is also easy.

Have you broken down?
Switch on our roadside assistance service quickly via the app. If you wish, we will automatically receive your location and personal data. We can then easily find you. And we ensure that you can continue.

Direct contact
Contact one of our employees via chat. Or call us via the app. We are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. And on Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

We reserve the right to make changes. The Centraal Beheer App has been carefully compiled by Centraal Beheer. Centraal Beheer is not liable for damage as a result of inaccuracies or incompleteness in the information. Also, we are not liable for damage resulting from problems caused by installing and using the app.

Download and enjoy (Dutch users only!)